Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

FOOD A Healthy

Our food at first. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave certain instructions about what they should eat. Genesis 1:29 says: "Behold, I have given you every plant with seeds on the whole earth and every tree that has fruit yielding seed; it shall be for food," Food Adam consisting of fruits, nuts and whe

have been adjusted to include the entire plant after is expelled from the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:18 "The bush of thorns and thistles that will produce for you, and tumbuhtumbuhan of the field shall be for meat."

A thousand years later, after the flood in the days of Noah, there was complete destruction of all plants, which led God to allow the animals as food. God says, "everything is moving, living, shall be for meat. I have given it all to you as well as green plants." Genesis 9:3.

This special permit contains three conditions that are often overlooked:

The meat should be drained of blood. (Genesis 9:: 4)

Only animals that " bravo " which should be used as food (Gen. 7.2; Leviticus 11:1-28)

Do not kill the animal if it is not necessary. (Genesis 9.5).


Science has discovered that the human body organs, specifically with the functions and processes that work according to natural laws specific. This natural law, if followed, will keep the body healthy and working within normal levels. Deviating from this natural law can provide a destructive influence on the human body. We were created to become a vegetarian. There is a difference between herbivores (animals pemkan plants) and carnivores (meat-eating animals), for example:

Mouth. Small open human mouth, while the carnivorous animals like dogs have a wide-open mouth that big lump of meat can go into the mouth.

COMPOSITION OF TEETH. Humans have a series of cutting teeth with sharp teeth, flat or flat used to crush and chew the same food as herbivores (plant eaters). On the other hand, meat-eaters (carnivores) have long canine teeth, strong and sharp for seizing and tearing flesh. Sharp fangs in his side until near the jaw used for cutting meat.

JAW MOVEMENTS. Movement in the direction meat-eater's jaw open and close it. On the other hand the plant-eating animals have three different jaw movement - vertically or up and down the side, or to the sides and the front clan back like humans.

INTESTINE. Meat-eaters have a simple stomach, small intestine short, and the large intestine is very short, straight and smooth. On the other hand, eating the plants have a capacity greater stomach with the parts that are often complex, such as domestic cattle stomach / cow double folds. Very long small intestine and colon long and slippery. Human intestine is not shaped like meat eaters.

LANE sweat. Plant eaters sweat through the skin just like humans, carnivorous animals while sweating through the mouth. Human saliva contains an enzyme ptilin, just as plant-eating animals, which are used to digest the flour, starch. Human drinking water to suck / suck like plant eaters. While all carnivorous animals inhaled with their tongues. Human bile salts such as plant-eating animals and not as meat-eaters.


Since human beings are not designed to eat meat, no wonder so many dreadful diseases arise as a result and eat meat, which includes cancer, heart disease kardiovakular and cerebrovaskular, diseases such as heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.. Science has long proven that a vegetarian diet can prevent these diseases. Much earlier, in 1961, the magazine "Journal of the American Medical Association stated:" vegetarian food can prevent 97% of the blockage of heart arteries. "

Butram Rita PhD, Head of Food and cancer at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) held that the United States 3540% of all cancer deaths had anything to do with food. Next he said that the U.S. NCI has determined in 2000 to achieve the goal of reducing cancer deaths by 50%. According to Drs. Butram, this goal can be achieved if people follow recommendations from the American Institute is NO, as follows:

  • Reduce fat to 30% of total calories
  • Increase food until 20-30 grams of fiber per day, with a limit of at most 35 grams.
  • Keep your ideal weight
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Vegetarian food increases Endurance

Dr. Per Olof Astrand, a famous Swedish scientist, conducted experiments to determine the best foods for athletes. With nine athletes selected for the experiments, they iamemberikan foods are different, for three days. The food is as follows:

Phase I: a mixture of normal food
(meat, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and butter). The athlete-pedaling on the bike still for an average of 114 minutes.

Phase II: a high protein and fat from animal results
(meat, fish, butter and eggs). They can ride my bike, still for 57 minutes before exhaustion.

Phase III: high-carbohydrate foods
(bread, potatoes, corn, vegetables and various clans of fruit). They were able to secretly peddled to an average of about 167 minutes.

In other words, their resistance is almost three times greater when they eat vegetarian food than if they eat meat and other livestock.

Schontenden tested a number of university students in Brussels to compare the energy power of the people who completely vegetarian against the people who like to eat meat. The students were required to take two physical tests:
  • Pressing "ergograph" with his right
  • Heavy lifting
The results showed that vegetarians averaged 69 numbers on carnivorous ergograph and only reached number 38. The most powerful vegetarian reached 1.457 in weight, while eating the most powerful meat reached only 1.049. A surprising thing is that he found the vegetarians recover faster after exertion and thus more ready to repeat the experiment were compared with their opponents.

No wonder most of the world athletes are vegetarian. Is the secret of this victory athletes? If an eating food that contains carbohydrates, it is converted to glucose and stored in the liver (liver) and muscle in the form of glycogen. The number of glycogen in the muscles is important to change the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) into ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate), which generate power. Therefore, more carbohydrates are consumed, more energy is produced. Meat contains no carbohydrate at all. Therefore, a vegetarian will produce more energy.

  • Miscellaneous Use whole grains (cereals) and vegetables.
  • Prepare the food as simple as possible, but attractive and bring the taste. Boiled, roasted or grilled, instead of frying. Avoid fat. Use all types of fat as possible (vegetable oil, better).
Eating Disorder:
Morning: Food of the best and most. (eat breakfast like a king)

Afternoon: the second best food (lunch like a prince)

Night: Food lightest of the day (dinner like a pauper).

Do not eat between meals

He was a very strong. About 180 cm tall, a rancher who had red hair. A hard worker, and his life was hard; father of three children and husband and a wife. And his wife fed him whatever he wants. Steamed pork and eggs for breakfast, milk straight from the cow's original, white bread or biscuits roasted, butter and coffee. And cigarettes until noon, while he could enjoy the beef and potatoes are softened in a refreshing sauce of the original milk, flour and water from the pot of meat fried meat. Likewise dinner.

Life is fun! .... Until the age of 47. Attack jantungl And then paralyzed for four years. Four years afraid to die, but the fear of his life that he wanted to turn it! Then, finally, the last attack. The children had just left the nest. And now when they had just awakened to feel the need for a father - there is no father anymore "Statistics do not record the profound sadness, disappointment, frustration of hope, suffering, courageous efforts to adjust to loneliness. Sad. And the real situation could be entirely different from it.

By following the principles of healthy foods that we have discussed in this treatise, you can get the best health care in general good. By following the guidelines rajapangeran-beggar, you are overweight is no longer a problem. You will sleep better at night if you did not eat a heavy meal at night should continue to digest while you sleep. Many benefits in addition to preventing disease, improving strength. The important thing is, try for yourself and discover how your life was fun later! With God's help, you can do

The Healthy Foods We Eat Rarely


1. Bits
If not familiar with this food, try the red spinach In these vegetables are sources of folic acid and red pigments that are good for fighting cancer. Want to eat? try as Lalapan or make a salad, because if it is cooked to reduce the power of antioxidants.

Contains many nutrients such as sulforaphane. According to Bowden, which produces chemicals that can produce cancer-producing enzymes.

Indonesian people often avoid the consumption of cabbage for fear of iodine absorption into the body is hampered by the vegetables. However, consuming adequate amounts of cabbage can be useful for the war against cancer.

Suggestions try to eat sliced raw or as a topping on burgers or sandwiches.

3.Swiss Radish
Radish contains carotenoids that can protect aging eyes. If you want maximum, try to eat the way chop small and menumisnya with olive oil.

Function can control blood sugar and cholesterol. Suggestions to consume the drinks Dab or cooking. Kolak usually wear Padang cinnamon. Arab kebuli rice sometimes also use cinnamon.

5.Pomegranate juice
Function can lower blood pressure and rich in antioxidants. To be more useful than trying to make juice, not much wasted vitamins, freshness can be felt.

6.Dried plum
These fruits contain antioxidants that can not be ignored. Regular consumption as an additional ingredient in the cake.

7.Pumpkin seeds
Parts that tend to frequent these discarded contain a lot of magnesium, a mineral that when levels are sufficient to create a reduced risk of premature death.

Besides usually consume in the form of seeds, can also be spread on salad.

8.Frozen blueberries
Although this frozen fruit nutrient levels did not decrease much. She conceived in a test substance can improve brain memory. Want to eat? would consider creating a delicious juice. Can be mixed with yogurt, chocolate, soy milk or almond topping